Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am determined!

2010 kinda sucked...so did 2009...and 2008 just a little...it's nothing I dwell on, and the years haven't been completely sour, but time has just droned on with nothing particularly amazing that stands out.

This year I am graduating college, and hopefully moving out of the Bay Area. That will be my new beginning and starting NOW I need to prepare. Which means it is time to announce my New Years "Resolutions":

1. Save Money for a move this summer...Portland? Austin? Seattle?
2. Apply to schools (I NEED TO HURRY UP WITH THIS ONE!)
3. Try to not let myself get too stressed out with my hectic schedule
4. Continue to blog
5. DIY projects - I have an entire list (literally) of projects I want to attempt
6. Ride my bike more
7. READ more (this one is really important to me)

Well there you have it people, my 2011 resolutions. All are realistic and I'm going do my best to stick to em!

Here are some photos from my NYE...

we played one of my favorite group games...THINGS

and I was obviously into making weird faces...bit too much champagne


  1. I'm finally going to start working on my sewing book you got me like 2 years ago! My resolution is to make everything from cover to cover!

  2. Weird faces make for the best memories in terms of photos :) And I really need to get a hold on my reading this year as well!
